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April 2016

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An endless amounts of effective skin care products can't complete your skin care routine if you are using them wrong. As you may already know, layering your daily skin care products can have some major benefits for your complexion. By combining a collection of main ingredients, you’ll improve effectiveness, yielding more impressive results and a natural glow. Not to forget the various skin care myths that one must try to avoid throughout. One must know particularly what product to use, according...

Finally, the sun is out. Now it is the time to get out your sunscreen. Do you rely upon sunscreen for skin protection? Millions of people do, but they shouldn’t. The rate of melanoma diagnosis is increasing day by day and sunscreens alone cannot reverse this trend. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. If a person has five or more sunburns, his or her risk for melanoma doubles. Most experts believe that using a good sunscreen can play...

Are you fighting with your wrinkle to get settle down? Many anti-aging creams and serum make some attractive promises and consumers spend billions of dollars every year on such products. But the most imperative question is do these creams really work? It often depends on the specific active ingredients used in anti-aging products, which have been shown to be safe and effective, the trick is finding the right ingredients anti-aging solution for different age, that work well for you individually. But for...

Look at a baby’s skin, very smooth and even skin. Unluckily, as we age, we gather damage that harms our smooth appearance, creating scars, dark spots and darkness.We call this “hyperpigmentation” but whatsoever, you call it, no doubt you don’t like it. Blemishes on the face can make us look older than our actual age. Chemical dark spot lighteners have their own risks, so where do we turn to find an evener skin tone? Watch this video by Asian Beauty Secrets explaining everything...

Acne affects everyone at some point in time your life. Many factors such as hormones, poor hygiene, bad lifestyle are responsible for the agonizing condition. There are many ways to treat acne but, natural home remedies are appreciated the most. Go through the infographic by HomeRemedy101 below and learn all natural ways to get rid of acne: ...