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December 2016

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Are you tired of trying online cellulite solutions? To love your cellulite, Buzz feed have rounded up some quick tips. Nobody thought that one time they will hate their body when one will suffer from cellulite. Though we all say that our body is to be loved but when it comes to cellulite then it is hard to show that love and affection towards your body. Cellulite is the one of the most visible kind of fat. Reducing cellulite may cost...

Here is a video by Zoella listing all the makeup essentials to pack away when you’re heading off for a holiday. Holiday season is here and everybody wants to look at best during their holidays. Prepare yourself with best holiday makeup essentials to keep your skin healthy and silky smooth. We don't pick right makeup essentials that are to be needed while travelling due to the fact that it will take more space in the luggage. There are products available which don't occupy much...

What is Rosacea It is that condition of the skin which mostly affects the face, particularly the cheeks, forehead, chin and nose. It is easily seen in middle-aged women who have fair skin. Rosacea is basically the result of an allergic reaction, acne, itching or other skin problems. Natural Treatments for Rosacea You can do better rosacea skin care along with items at our home without worrying. Just go through this infographic by Iamav to get homemade solutions for rosacea: Symptoms of Rosacea The typical symptoms...

It's been said that the eyes can say a thousand words. But, those under eye dark circles speak even louder, they say a lot about your health, lifestyle and daily routine. Both women and men of different age groups can have dark circles. There can be a plenty of reasons for appearance of dark circles like lack of sleep, stress, hormonal changes, disturbed unhealthy diet. Dark circles are not so serious, but they make people look tired, exhausted, unhealthy and...

A simple mention that can make any women shiver is CELLULITE!!! Unexpectedly, when you see your thighs are getting bumpy, only one thing strikes in your mind and that is "what to do now?". Seeing cellulite and lumps developing onbody is very awful. Cellulite is made up of free-floating fat cells that appear on the skin surface and these lumpy little fatty deposits look like cheesecake or dimples. Lumpy skin and stretch marks make the body appear worse. Good news is...