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June 2015

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Summer means sun, shorts, sandals, bathing suits, and bronzed skin. But, with beach hair and shorter hemlines, come the dangers that not only instigate the probability of skin cancer, but the aging process as well. Sun exposure is, essentially, subjecting yourself to sun damage – but in the same note, avoiding the outdoors altogether is both impractical and nearly impossible. So, Are there any Summer skincare tips that can help?  Well, Taking preventive measures in preparing and caring for it...

Proper skin care after waxing is important. Ripping of those hair follicles traumatizes them making it a painful process for the people who undergo it month after month. This grooming process usually starts in teenage and continues till one dies. Unfortunately, a lot of women do not devise a plan to combat the damage done by this life-long beauty regime. Here is the after wax care needed for your skin. Astringent When a hair is pulled out, the pores become wider and...

Hair removal is an essential grooming regime in a woman's life and waxing is one of the most popular methods employed worldwide. It is simple, cost-effective but not so skin friendly as one thinks. It can leave your skin with redness and bruises. But the best part is that you can save your skin from such hassles. All you need to do is, to do it properly as your skin needs intense care while it goes through that ripping every...

Our notion about stretch marks remain pretty firm. We all hate them. We shy away from showing them and go to all lengths to remove the ugly marks from our body. But it is natural for women, and even men to have stretch marks on their body. When skin gets stretched beyond its elastic limit, these marks appear on the body permanently. Even celebrities, who flaunt their picture perfect bodies have them and that's what Chrissy Teigen, 29 year old model...

People in America are inclined more towards anti aging treatments now than ever before, according to recent studies. Several factors that lead to aging can be reversed by taking care of the signs appearing at every stage aka decade. Each decade of life demands different care and this includes some restrictions as well. To know more about aging solutions you can refer the infographic below. Doing simple daily routine tasks like exercising well, eating well and sleeping for at least 7-8...